77 1367 Atalanta Pers Budé F
77/1367 [Atalanta Pers]. Budé, F. Over land. Baarn, Atalanta Pers, 2012, (40) lvs., col. photogr. ills. and typography by R. BAKKER, printed in 40 numb. copies (35), signed by the artist and author, orig. clothbacked boards, square 4to.

= Second part in the series Elementen.

Toorn, W. van. Van de lucht. Ibid., idem, n.d. (2012), (40) lvs., col. photogr. ills. and typography by R. BAKKER, printed in 40 numb. copies (35), signed by the artist and author, orig. clothbacked boards, square 4to.

= Third part in the series Elementen.

€ (80-100) 90