78 1496 Folio Society Shakespeare W
78/1496 [Folio Society]. Shakespeare, W. The Norton Facsimile. The First folio of Shakespeare. Based on Folios in the Folger Shakespeare Library Collection. Ed. C. Hinman. Introd. P.W.M. Blayney. New York/ London, W.W. Norton & Company, 1996, 2nd ed., XXXVII,(3),928p., 1 portrait, orig. giltlettered artif. leather, slipcase, folio. - AND 14 other miscell. works in 15 vols. (incl. 1 duplicate) published by the Folio Society, all in orig. slipcase and very fine, i.a. C. DICKENS, A Christmas Carol (shrinkwrapped); R. GRAVES, The Greek Myths (2 vols.); IDEM, The Siege and Fall of Troy; C. FRUGONI, Inventions of the Middle Ages; F. JOSEPHUS, Life of Herod (shrinkwrapped) and T. MACKINTOSH-SMITH (ed.), The Travels of Ibn Battutah.
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