78 2357 Zoology Aldrovandi U
78 2357 Zoology  Aldrovandi U
78 2357 Zoology  Aldrovandi U
78 2357 Zoology  Aldrovandi U
78 2357 Zoology  Aldrovandi U
78 2357 Zoology  Aldrovandi U
78 2357 Zoology  Aldrovandi U
78 2357 Zoology  Aldrovandi U
78 2357 Zoology  Aldrovandi U
78 2357 Zoology  Aldrovandi U
78/2357 [Zoology]. Aldrovandi, U. De quadrupedibus digitatis viviparis libri tres et de quadrupedibus digitatis oviparis libri duo. Bologna, N. Tebaldini for M.A. Bérni, 1645, 3rd ed., (2),718,(16)p., engr. title, woodcut printer's mark, num. (full-p./ large) woodcut ills. and initials, contemp. vellum w. giltlettered spine, folio.

- Eight lvs. (incl. 5 plates) yellowed/ browned; 3 lvs. (incl. 2 plates) waterst.; occas. sl. foxed. Binding sl. wormholed; backcover w. dam. spot.

= Nissen, ZBI 77. Work on the biology, etymology and cultural history of many Old and New World animals. Contains many large woodcuts, the first part depicting wild (i.a. a leopard, monkeys, the hippopotamus), semi-wild (rodents, the fox) and domesticated viviparous animals (dogs, cats), the second part depicting oviparous animals according to the property of their "surface" ("skin-like" amphibians and "bark-like" reptiles). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXII.

€ (1.200-1.500)