78 1432 Caricature Gavarni and Grandville J J a o
78 1432 Caricature  Gavarni and Grandville J J a o
78 1432 Caricature  Gavarni and Grandville J J a o
78/1432 [Caricature]. Gavarni and Grandville, J.J. a.o. Le Diable à Paris. Paris et les Parisiens. Paris, J. Hetzel, 1845-1846, 1st ed., 2 vols., XXXII,376; LXXX,364p., num. woodengr. plates/ ills. by i.a. GAVARNI, CHAM and BERTALL, contemp. unif. gilt green calf w. 2 mor. letterpieces, 4to.

- Vol. 1 lacks final 2 text lvs.; foxed. Bindings rubbed and sl. worn; top of spine vol. 2 sl. dam.

= Vicaire III, p.241; Sander 232; Brivois 124; Ray 236: "The most impressive are the 208 wood-engraved plates after Gavarni (...). The major attraction of Le diable à Paris resides in Gavarni's plates, which are of even greater interest than the 320 woodengravings of his Oeuvres choisies (...). The engraving is superior for the most part, and they are new conceptions, not versions of his lithographs. He limits himself almost entirely to single figures or pairs, evoked with his usual concentration and psychological subtlety."

AND 2 others, i.a. A.-R. LE SAGE, Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane (Paris, 1836, woodengr. frontisp. and textills. by J. GIGOUX, contemp. blindst. calf, 4to).

€ (40-60)