- Most of the fold. maps (incl. the worldmap) doubled and w. strengthened (occas. creased) folds; some of the fold. maps/ plates possibly taken from other copies, one double-p. plate vague brown stains; one double-p. plate w. extended margins; the small fold. plate of St Helena a few small closed holes in upper left border (just touching the borderline of the plate), second half of the first part very vaguely waterst. in upper outer corner; new endpapers. A good/ fine copy of this rare work.
= Tiele, Bibl. Land en Volkenkunde 680; for the important and influential worldmap see Shirley 187; cf. Tiele, Mémoire p.83ff (listing the first edition 1596), Muller, America 2185-2187; Alden-Landis 614/62 and Sabin 41356 ("after the third, the rarest of the Dutch editions of Linschoten". "This inestimable book, a treasure of all knowledge and learning relating to the East- and West-Indies and the navigation thither, at the end of the 16th century, has been in the highest esteem for nearly a century, and was given to each ship sailing to India, as log-book. Hence the many editions (6 in Dutch, 3 in French, 1 in Latin); but this is also the cause that fine copies, especially with all the plates, are so very rare. As the long titles show, a large part of the book is occupied by translations of original Spanish, and Portuguese documents on geography, ethnography, statistics, navigation, etc. and also in these respects the book is of the highest importance and authority. These important documents on navigation and many other interesting relations are simply omitted by de Bry, in their Latin and German translations! The description of America occupies the pages 17 to 82 of the 3rd part." (Muller 2187). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXVI.