81 2203 Jonston J
81 2203 Jonston J
81 2203 Jonston J
81 2203 Jonston J
81/2203 Jonston, J. Naeukeurige Beschryving Van de Natuur der Vier-voetige Dieren, Vissen En Bloedlooze Water-Dieren, Vogelen, Kronkel-Dieren, Slangen en Draken. Dutch transl. M. Grausius. Amst., J.J. Schippers, 1660, 6 parts in 1 vol., 4 diff. engr. titles, 250 plates by C. and M. MERIAN, contemp. gilt calf w. mor. letterpiece, folio.

- Endpapers sl. stained and mouldy; one plate w. tear; lower blank margin sl. wormholed at the end. Corners bumped; upper joint splitting at spine-ends.

= Rare complete Dutch edition of Jonston's popular Historiae naturalis de quadrupedibus. De avibus. De insectis. De piscibus et cetis. De exanguibus aquaticis. De serpentibus (first publ. Frankf. 1650). Nissen, ZBI 2136. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LIII.

€ (2.000-3.000) 2100