[Whaling]. Tobacco box,
tortoise shell with hinging lid w. silver hinge and silver rim, and with inlaid silver and mother of pearl on lid and on lower side, the lid showing a whaling scene with 2 large sailing ships and 4 sloops manned with whale hunters attacking 3 whales (all in silver) and 4 clouds above (in mother of pearl), in right margin part of two spouting whales visible (also in silver), lower side showing a cherub surrounded by flowering branches playing the lute (flowers in mother of pearl), prob. first half 19th cent.
- A few sm. (partly repaired) dam. spots on upper lid affecting one ship's mast and the other ship's stern; one (silver) leaf lacking from lower side.
= Very rare whaling item. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCIX.
€ (1.500-2.500) 1500