81 2466 Oud J J P 1890 1963
81 2466 Oud J J P  1890 1963
81 2466 Oud J J P  1890 1963
81 2466 Oud J J P  1890 1963
81 2466 Oud J J P  1890 1963
81 2466 Oud J J P  1890 1963
81 2466 Oud J J P  1890 1963
81 2466 Oud J J P  1890 1963
81 2466 Oud J J P  1890 1963
81 2466 Oud J J P  1890 1963
81 2466 Oud J J P  1890 1963
81/2466 Oud, J.J.P. (1890-1963). Collection of ±190 architectural drawings, various sizes (leaf sizes from ± 6x16 to ±90x120 cm.) and various techniques (mainly pencil and pen and ink on tracing paper), partly signed.

- Partly formerly rolled; some lvs. dam./ lacking portions and/ or w. creases and tears (mainly in blank margins, but occas. penetrating the image) and a few lvs. stained.

= A rich archive of miscellaneous drawings, varying from rough sketches to very detailed designs, inlcuding façades, floorplans, cross sections, bird's eye views and artist's impressions, dating from approximately 1913 to 1963 (but mainly undated), thus covering almost the complete career of J.J.P. Oud.

The drawings including i.a. [the numbering and pages referring to the projects as described in E. Taverne/ C. Wagenaar/ M. de Vletter J.J.P. Oud. Poetic Functionalist 1890-1963 - The Complete Works (Rott., 2001)]:

10. "Dwarsdoorsnede woonhuis voor den heer C.L.J. van Lent te Heemstede" (pen and ink, 25x22,5 cm., dated "Leiden 25.11.13").

37. "Ontwerp v/e dubbele arbeiderswoning in gewapend beton", Rott. (pen and ink, 26,5x53,5 cm.).

44. Hoek van Holland Housing Scheme (pen and ink, 15x70,5 cm.).

53. "Graf voor mevrouw N.T. Oud-Janszen", Driehuis (pen and ink, signed "Oud", 41x62 cm.).

56. Hotel Stiassni (pencil, 21x23 cm.); "Entwurf für ein Stadthotel in Brünn" (2 floorplans, pen and ink, each 27x42,5 cm., dated "Febr. 1926".).

87. Grebbeberg National Army Memorial, Rhenen (sketches, pencil and pen and blue ink, 34x39 cm.).

90. "Poldertoren Emmeloord, Motto E"/ "Poldertoren Emmeloord, Motto E (variant)"/ (untitled) (3 drawings, pencil, ±92x119 cm. and (the untitled drawing) 41,5x17 cm.; cf. p.465).

95. "Portierswoning Hoge Veluwe", Otterlo (pencil and pen and ink, 50x92 cm., dated "Dec/ '57"); and 2 untitled sketches in blue pen and ink and col. crayon (dated "18/11 '57" and "19/11 '57", each ±21x30 cm.).

96. Design for Plate House (3 drawings: pen and ink, 29,5x42 cm. and pencil, 13x28 and 27x27 cm.).

105. Almelo Town Hall (sketch, pencil and col. crayon, 24x37 cm.).

106. Bio Convalescent Centre for Children, Arnhem (4 artist's impressions, pen and black ink w. grey wash, mainly ±55x75 cm.: Main building (cf. p.510), Sports buidling (id.), Children's pavilion (cf. p.511) and Boiler house with caretaker's dwelling (cf. p.512)).

111. Netherlands Congresscentre, i.a. 2 diff. stylized bird's eye views (pen and ink, 59x77 cm., titled "Vogelvlucht Congresgebouw 's Gravenhage") and 34,5x30 cm. (pen and ink, untitled; cf. p.548).

(unrec.). (Designs for a chair) (2 drawings, pencil, 24x38 cm. and 38x28 cm., resp. dated "12-2-47" and "13-2-47". Cf. cat. The Original Drawings of J.J.P. Oud 1890-1963 (London, n.d.), p.17).

Beside more drawings for the projects above, the collection also includes (multiple) drawings for i.a. [21] Housing Leiderdorp; [57] Rotterdam Exchange; [82] Hofplein Project, Rott. (i.a. "Schets Café aan viaduct"); [83] Spaarbank, Rott.; [84] Olveh, Rott.; [85] Meddens & Zoon, Rott.; [86] Monument for De Nederlanden van 1845; [91] Vredenburg, Utr.; [97] Nederlandse Hoogovens, IJmuiden; [?] "Verenigingsgebouw van de Hersteld Apostolische Zendingsgemeente te Rotterdam". SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LIX.

AND ±30 diazotypes etc. (incl. 3 blueprints) after the same.

= I.a. of [30] "Vakantiehuis in Noordwijkerhout", [49] Project for the Kallenbach House and [81] Head Office of the Bataafsche Import Maatschappij (Shell).

€ (60.000-80.000)